Adult Memberships

Personal Training in a Small Group

For adults ages 18+, all experience levels welcome, train in a small group.

This is our version of one-on-one personal training, but better. The average price for a personal training session in the Bay area is $100 per session. And at that price point, it’s hard to train frequently enough to get results.

At Train Smarter + Harder, our small group approach offers you all the benefits of personal training but for a fraction of the cost (as low as $49/session) and with more scheduling flexibility. The best part? You’ll get a personal training experience plus the benefits of training in a small group setting:

  • Peer support and knowledge

  • Friendly competition

  • Accountability

  • Social support

  • • A welcoming, safe, and fun training environment.

    • Personal coaching from an experienced and certified coach.

    • Movement education - our coaches will teach you proper technique so you feel confident in the gym.

    • You’ll never train in a group of more than 4-6 people.

    • You’ll follow a purposeful and progressive strength program designed in 4-week blocks.

    • Each session includes stretching & mobility, a dynamic warm-up, direct core training, strength training, and a high-intensity conditioning finisher.

    • Motivation and accountability from your fellow group members.

    • Access to quarterly educational seminars focused on nutrition, exercise, mental health, etc.

    • Complimentary access to our shared 24/7 subscription gym space so you can train on the days you aren’t training with us (valued at $129/month).

    • Complimentary subscription to iFit - an interactive fitness and workout app linked to all of our cardio equipment (valued at $14.99/month).

    • Automatic enrollment into our FitCash rewards program, where you can earn points for workouts and challenges that you can use on products, merchandise, and more!

  • To celebrate our grand opening, we’re offering Founding Member memberships (reduced pricing) to our first 25 members. Ask us about it on your gym tour!

    Standard Personal Training Membership Options:

    2x Per Week (60-minute sessions): $456 every 28 days (8 sessions per billing cycle)

    3x Per Week (60-minute sessions): $588 every 28 days (12 sessions per billing cycle)

    Unlimited 30-Minute Sessions Per Week: $588 every 28 days (Up to 6 sessions per week)

  • How many people will be in my small group?

    You’ll never train with more than 4-6 Train Smarter + Harder members in your small group.

    Do I have to train on the same days and times each week?

    No. You’ll have access to our online scheduler 28 days in advance. You can reserve any available days and times that work for your schedule.

    What class days and times do you offer?

    We offer group training sessions Monday through Saturday each week (except for some holidays). Weekday classes run in the morning, mid-day, and evening. Weekend classes are offered in the morning.

    How are your memberships charged?

    You’ll be charged once every 28 days for your selected membership.

    What if I don’t use all of my sessions in any given month?

    If you have a 2x/week membership, you can train 8 times each 28-day billing cycle. If you have a 3x/week membership, you can train 12 times each 28-day billing cycle. Unused training sessions do not roll over into the next month. It’s your responsibility to allocate your training sessions accordingly.

    What should I know about canceling my membership?

    We do not make you sign any contracts when you join Train Smarter + Harder. You can cancel your membership at any time, with or without cause. Once you request to cancel your membership, you will continue to have access to TS+H classes until the end of that current billing cycle. We do not issue refunds for the remaining days of the current billing cycle. If you cancel your membership, you cannot reinstate that membership or reapply as a member for at least 30 days. You will also lose any FitRewards you have earned and milestone achievements.

    Do you offer membership discounts?

    We do not offer any membership discounts. However, you can earn discounts through our FitCash Rewards and Milestone programs.